The Position Settings window of Motion Studio is where the control loop for positon control is tuned and tested. This Application Note covers the controls and settings of this widow and what they are used for.
The Velocity Settings window in Motion Studio is where motors and encoder are tested. It’s also the location where tuning of motor and encoder combinations is carried out. This Application Note details all of the functionality within this section of Motion Studio.
This App Note is part of a series on the usage and features of Motion Studio. This article covers the PWM Settings window that is used for motor and encoder testing.
BasicMicro Motion Studio can be used to configure every aspect of the RoboClaw motor controller. The bulk of the configuration settings are made in the General Settings section of the application. This Application Note details the sections and settings contained within it.
BasicMicro Motion Studio contains a large number of features and tools. This Application Note is the first in a series that explores these features one by one and their usage in practical applications.