MoBot Rover

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Figure 1: MoBot in action.

This Customer Project article is a quick one based off of a video posted to YouTube. The robot in question is named MoBot and is an example of a scenario we see quite often with our current customers. MoBot is built around the frame and pair of large brushed motors from an electric wheelchair. These can be found quite cheaply and allow you to build a powerful robot without speding a lot of money on a drivetrain. As is common with other users, the builder of this bot is using a RoboClaw 2x60A controller and a pair of 12V lead acid batteries. The RoboClaw 60 amp controller is a great choice for driving a pair of wheelchair motors and as you can see in the video below the system doesn’t struggle even when the weight of a fully grown adult is added.
Also note that the system is being driven with a radio control transmitter. All RoboClaw models feature the ability to connect an RC reciver to them for control of both motor channels. There are additional settings available in the RC control mode that allow you to tailor the controller to your particular project needs.

We thank the builder of MoBot for demonstrating the capabilties of our RoboClaw motor controller and how it can be used in a very common build scenario. You can see the full line of RoboClaw motor controllers at this link.