Robotic Drill Table

On our support forum a user known as SouthernAtHeart has posted the details of an automated drill table system he built using our RoboClaw motor controller. At the heart of the project is an Atmel Mega2560, the same microcontroller used in some Arduino boards. The Mega2560 sits in a custom PCB that ties together all of the peripherals needed to make the system work. The files that are used to instruct the system how to drill out a project are stored on an SD card that plugs in to a socket on the PCB. The drill motors are controlled by a RoboClaw 2x15A motor controller using encoder feedback, while commands for the RoboClaw are sent from the Mega2560. The custom board also extends the header pins of the RoboClaw placing connections for things like encoders in a more convienent location. The custom board also hosts controllers for air cycliner relays and 3 phase starters.

We thank SouthernAtHeart for taking the time to post about his ambition project on our forum. Below are several photos he posted on our forum as well as a YouTube video of the system in action. His drill table is just one of a wide range of projects that the RoboClaw is suitable for. Please visit our product page to see the full lineup of motor controllers.