Auto Tuning with Motion Studio

In systems with a PID controller the proportional, integral and derivative values must be set properly for the controller to operate well. Motion Studio features software to automatically tune these values for a motor and encoder combination. In this Application Note we’ll look at how to use it and fine tune the results.

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Motor Controller Selection

When selecting a motor controller there are three main specifications that must be known about the motor you are planning on using. These are voltage, running current and stall current. This articles covers all three and how to pair a motor controller based on these key specifications.

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Selecting the Proper Battery

Selecting a battery for your robotics projects is vital in ensuring your robot will have the power and endurance you’re looking for. There are several properties of batteries you’ll need to be aware of make the right choice for your project. After reading this App Note you’ll be informed enough to make the right decision.

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