Often a robotics project will need multiple voltages for different parts. A Battery Eliminator Circuit is one way to have multiple voltages present in your build without the need for a second battery.
There are many control schemes available with the RoboClaw. One of the simplest control schemes is analog control. Analog control allows for an analog voltage to control motor speed and direction.
Wire termination can be a source of problems or a source of reliability depending on how it’s done. There are several ways to properly terminated wires used with BasicMicro motor controllers. We’ll be looking at both the wrong and right ways to prepare wiring in this Application Note.
The RoboClaw uses a mathematical concept called a Cyclic Redundancy Check to ensure data transmitted to and from it hasn’t been corrupted in transit. In this Application Note we’ll cover the in and outs of the CRC.
The RoboClaw is designed with ease of use in mind. One example of this easy to use functionality is the ability to configure the modes and mode options directly from the RoboClaw board without the use of a computer.